Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

Rokok dan Gigi

Berbagai posting dan artikel mungkin susah banyak yang mengulas tentang rokok dan bahaya yang ditimbulkan. namun disini sayang ingin mengulas efek rokok khusu terhadap kesehatan mulut dan gigi. semuga bermanfaat dan selalu mohon saran dan kesan agar postingan ini makin sempurna.mengapa rokok sangat erat kaitannya dengan kesehatan gigi dan mulut? jelas secara...

pentingnya pendidikan bagi kehidupan

Berbicara tentangt pendidikan kita semua pasti sudah tahu bahwa betapa pentingnya hal tersebut.Pendidikan,kemampuan,pengetahuan merupakan salah satu modal yang kita miliki untuk hidup di zaman yang serba sulit ini.Mengapa dikatakan demikian?Kita tentu sudah bisa menjawabnya,apa hal pertama yang dilihat bila kita ingin mengajukan surat lamaran perkerjaan?Apa yang kita butuhkan ketika ingin memulai suatu bisnis atau usaha?Tentu saja pendidikan,kemampuan,wawasan dan pengetahuanlah yang kita butuhkan.Di dalam bangku pendidikan banyak sekali hal yang kita dapatkan.Tetapi entah mengapa banyak sekali warga di Indonesia ini yang tidak mengenyam bangku pendidikan sebagaimana mestinya,khususnya di daerah-daerah terpencil di sekitar wilayah Indonesia ini.Mungkin karena memang mereka mempunyai jalan pikiran yang sempit atau mungkin juga karena otak mereka tidak mampu untuk mengikuti pelajaran di bangku pendidikan tersebut.Jadi factor ekonomi bukan penyebab utamanya. Saya tinggal di sebuah daerah yang,sebut saja daerah itu daerah A.Dan daerah A itu sebut saja terletak di Kota B.Mungkin bila kita bandingkan dengan wilayah lain di sekitar kota B tempat tinggal saya in termasuk daerah yang cukup terpencil dan masih dianggap terbelakang.Di daerah ini pula saya menemukan berbagai macam masalah mengenai pendidikan.Khususmya di lingkungan tempat saya tinggal tepatnya banyak sekali anak-anak yang tidak bersekolah.Rata-rata mereka mengakhiri pendidikannya di bangku sekolah dasar atau SLTP.Mungkin ada sekitar 23% dari mereka yang lulus dari sekolah lanjutan tingkat pertama,18% dari mereka yang sedang duduk di bangku SLTA atau yang lulus dari SLTA,9% yang duduk di bangku kuliah dan sisanya hanya lulus dari sekolah dasar saja.Ini semua merupakan masalah bagi dunia pendidikan di negeri kita tercinta ini mengingat pemerintah tekah mencanagkan program pendidikan 9tahun. Saya juga menemukan beberapa factor penyebab dari masalah-masalah tersebut yang terjadi di lingkungan tempay saya tinggal.Faktor-faktor tersebut adalah : 1. Banyak sekali anak muda disini yang mempunyai jalan pikiran dan anggapan yang aneh.Salah satunya yaitu seorang teman saya disini pernah berkata kepada saya seperti ini,”Kamu buat apa Val sekolah tinggi-tinggi?aku mah males banget,liat aja tuh si C dia lulusan sma tapi sampai sekarang masih nganggur padahal umurnya udah 22”. JAlan pemikiran seperti ini sudah tentu sangat salah sekali,karena nasib manusia itu masing-masing sangat berbeda.Nasib manusia juga di tentukan oleh usaha dari manusia itu sendiri. 2. BAnyak sekali kepala rumah tangga disini yang mempunyai istri lebih dari satu.Tetapi ironisnya mata pencaharian kepala keluarga tersebut jauh dari layak.Bayangkan saja bila seorang tukang becak mempunyai istri lebih dari 1??Berapa sih penghasilan tukanh becak itu dalam sehari?Apa cukup untuk menghidupi 2 orang istri?Mungkin untuk memberi makan saja sudah sulit apalagi untuk memberikan pendidikan kepada anak-anaknya?sangat mustahil. 3. Tidak mampunya otak mereka intuk mengikuti pelajaran yang di berikan di bangku pendidikan tersebut.Seorang teman saya pernah berkata kepada saya seperti ini”Aduh otak gue ga kuat deh kalo belajar kaya gini aja gue udah puyeng bbanget apalagi kuliah ya?? “.Dan akhirnya teman saya tersebut mengakhiri pendidikannya di kelas 1STM.Padahal keluarganya cukup mampu menyekolahkan anaknya bahkan hingga ke bangku kuliah mungkin. Beberapa factor di atas merupakan sedikit penyebab mengapa masyarakat di lingkungan saya tinggal tidak mendapatkan pendidikan yang layak. Padahal bila kita lihat pemerintah kita sudah membuat program pendidikan gratis,tetapi masih banyak sekali masyarakat kita yang tidak duduk di bangku sekolah.Berbagai kendalapun kerap kali bermunculan seperti biaya untuk membeli buku,membeli seragam dan perlengkapan sekolah yang lainnya.Tidak sedikit pula para orang tua mereka yang lebih menginginkan anaknya itu berkerja mencari uang daripada bersekolah.Bayangkan saja kita pasti sering melihat anak-anak kecil usia 5-9th mengamen atau meminta-minta di sarana-sarana transportasi umum atau I tenpat-tempat umum.jadi apalagi yang seharusnya dilakukan pemerintah kita agar warga-warganya mendapatkan pendidikan yang layak?? Di bagian yang terakhir ini saya akan menceritakan sebuah kisah yang menunjukan bukti bahwa pendidikan itu memang penting sekali dan pendidikan itu terbukti dapat mengangkat harkat dan martabat bagi keluarga.Saya mempunyai seorang teman yang bernama Risma melati Lukman.Risma dulu pernah bercerita kepada saya bahwa keadaan keluarganya dulu itu tidak seperti ini.Dulu kehidupannya itu sangat tidak berkecukupan.Ibunya itu hanya berjualan sayur gabus pucung di daerah di sekitar GOR Kota B.Kalau tidak prcaya mungkin tempat berjualam itu masih ada tempatnya bernama WARUNG SAYUR GABUS PUCUNG BU LUKMAN,Begitu jelasnya.Risma itu mempunyai kakak,dia itu pintar dekali dan berhasil masuk ke salah satu sekolag tinggi kedinasan di Indonesisa ini.Lalu setelah kakaknya lulus lihat??dia berhasil mendapatkan pekerjaan dengan posisi yang sangat enak dan sekarang kehidupan merekapun berubah.Hidup mereka sekarang sudah lebih Dari cukup materi DLL.Mereka mempunyai 2 buah mobil,rumah mewah,DLL.Risma sendiri sekarang berhasil masuk juga di salah satu sekolah tinggi kedinasan di Indonesia ini. Itu semua yang tadi di gambarkan di atas merupakan sedikit pandangan mengenai pentingnya pendidikan bagi kehidupan,pendidikan sebagai modal pegangan hidup kita.Karena pendidikan,pengetahuan.wawasan dan kemampuanlah yang akan membawa kita menuju kesuksesan.Tapi tidak kita pungkiri juga bahwa di Negara ini masih banyak sekali masalah-masalah yang menyangkut dunia pendidikan kita
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Artikel tentang kesehatan dalam bahasa inggris

berikut ini adalah contoh artikel text bahasa inggris untuk kesehatan. Anda akan menemukan artikel berbahasa inggris yang lainnya dengan tema dan judul yang berbeda di sini. Jika anda kesulitan dalam menterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia gunakan kamus online atau translate dari google secara online, anda tinggal copy dan paste ke dalam box di google translate
Benefits of Liquid Vitamins
Vitamins and minerals can be absorbed by the body in a number of ways. They first enter our body through the food we eat. Secondly, we can take vitamin supplements to increase the amount of pertinent vitamins and minerals. There are different methods of taking medication and one of the most common methods is absorbing it in its liquid form. Do the advantages of liquid vitamins far outweigh its disadvantages – if there are any? Read on and find out.
Better or Easier Absorption for Kids
Although liquid vitamins may taste worse than vitamins in flavored, chewable tablet forms, they are however easier to absorb. There are numerous cases in which children have problems with choking, breathing and swallowing simply because of their inability to absorb medication or vitamins in this form.
This is the same problem as well for adults who have lost their ability to control their jaws or are unable to digest anything that is not in liquid form.
Liquid Vitamins are More Effective
Because of its form, liquid vitamins can be assimilated immediately into the blood stream for a more systemic administration of the vitamin and its average absorption rate is approximately 90 to 98%. It is also three to five times more concentrated than vitamin pills and this lead to higher bio-activity and greater therapeutic benefits.
The Link between Antioxidants and Liquid Vitamins
Have you ever wondered whether or not liquid vitamins contained oxidants as well? Vitamins E, C and A are examples of antioxidants and they are commonly found in vitamin supplements but what about liquid vitamins?
And the answer is an absolute YES. Liquid vitamins must in fact contain such antioxidants or they’ll prove to be ineffective compared to other vitamins. Remember that the most important of all antioxidants – Vitamins A, C and E – are not internally produced by the body so they must be a regular fixture in our diet. Antioxidants are our main defense against effects of damaging oxidation reactions. Antioxidants are our best weapons against suffering from any form of cancer. Without it, we are basically weaker and less healthy.
Liquid Vitamins versus Digestive Acids
One reason why people refuse to acknowledge the benefits of liquid vitamins is because of the supposed destruction by digestive acids of any vitamin or mineral that it does not recognize as part of the process of digestion. The opposite is, in fact true. Our digestive system actually prefers or is able to better absorb liquid vitamins and minerals rather than those made in pill or capsule form.
A vitamin pill or tablet has to be digested completely before it can benefit the human body. It must be broken down into absorbable nutrients or only up to thirty percent of it will be absorbed by the human body. Liquid vitamins however provide a better and easier solution for the digestive system. Because it does not depend in any way on mechanical digestion, an estimated 90% of it can be absorbed directly by the body.
It’s vital to remember that digestion does not mainly function to destroy vitamins and minerals but rather to transform them into substances it can use to improve the general constitution of the body.
Liquid Vitamins: Toxic or Not?
Another problem posed is the amount of colloidal minerals found in liquid vitamins. Are they harmful or not?
In truth, even plants and fruits contain a trace of such minerals in them. Apples, for instance, contain 3-5 mg of aluminum as it’s one of the most abundant elements that can be found in the surface of the Earth. But do you hear anyone telling you that apples are dangerous to your health? On the contrary, what we are more likely to hear is that an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
And so it must be with liquid vitamins as well. Containing a slight amount of colloidal mineral doesn’t mean it’s bad for our health right away. Colloidal minerals, are above all else, naturally occurring elements and can not therefore be avoided.
You Have a Choice
At the end of the day, however, it’s still up to you whether or not you wish to take vitamin supplements in liquid or solid form. What really matters is what you prefer and which will ultimately work better for you.
7 Diet Secrets of the Stars
Celebrities always look fabulous. Whether appearing in television or films or strutting down the red carpet during movie premiers and awards, they never cease to fascinate us with their larger than life presence. The truth is, it takes a lot of effort to look the way they do, and being the public figures that they are, they cannot afford to slack off when it comes to taking care of their physical appearances. Their livelihood largely depends on how they look. Aside from the clothes, the hair and the makeup, celebrities have to take good care of their bodies.
So it is no surprise that these stars have their own secrets when it comes to staying fit and gorgeous. Their health agenda can range from extreme workouts to well-planned meals. Who doesn’t want to know their secrets in staying absolutely sexy? Here are some of the diet secrets of seven women celebrities.
1. Jennifer Aniston
The star of the phenomenal television show Friends not only mesmerized audiences with her adorable comic sense and her famous hairstyle, she was also known for having one of the sexiest bodies in Hollywood, as she appeared in countless magazine covers. To stay trim, Jennifer follows the 40:30:30 diet method. The diet consists of:
40% Low glycemic carbohydrates
-Foods such as beans, fruits and vegetables, legumes
30% lean proteins
-Tofu, fish, chicken, turkey, beef and low fat dairy products
30% essential fats
-nuts and seeds, fish and olive oils
It is essential that every meal should contain macronutrients to attain the balance of hormones and maximum weight loss.
2. Kate Hudson
The gorgeous daughter of actress Goldie Hawn gained 60 pounds during her pregnancy, which she needed to shed quickly before commencing on her next film. From her previous eating plan, she switched to a higher protein diet. She consumed high protein meals in smaller portions, and she combined this diet with an exercise program that includes weight training and cardiovascular workouts. After getting a lot of flak because of her post-pregnancy figure, Kate removed all that baby weight in only four months and has gained abdominal muscles that gained the envy of many in Hollywood.
3. Oprah Winfrey
As one of the most successful talk-show hosts in the world, there is no question that Oprah needs to maintain her physical appearance for her millions of audiences. Known as one of those celebrities who are constantly battling weight gain, she has recently toned up her figure and has never looked figure in age 50 by combining a regular exercise regime and diet plan. Oprah works out five days a week, spending 30 minutes on the threadmill and doing free weights. Her eating plan consists of legumes, fish, nuts, fruits and vegetables, chicken and dairy products that are lowfat. She limits her consumption of white sugar and flour. Oprah also credits her trim figure to her habit of not eating anything after seven in the evening.
4. Gwyneth Paltrow
A lot of people may find it hard to believe that the perpetually slim Academy award-winning actress actually needs to diet. Gwyneth actually follows a healthy eating plan that resembles Oprah’s, avoiding sugar and white flour. She usually follows a macrobiotic diet, eating foods like vegetables, brown rice, and lean meat. She also eliminated dairy from her diet, and does yoga everyday.
5. Madonna
The pop star known as the Material Girl has always flaunted a body that is to die for, and has become a true fitness paragon over the years. She keeps herself in tip-top shape by having Ashtanga Yoga, and follows a strict diet that mostly shuns junk foods. She adopted a macrobiotic eating plan that includes organic foods rich in lean protein.
6. Claudia Schiffer
The bodacious German supermodel eats salad and steamed vegetables for dinner and eats only fruits before the afternoon. While on locations, she prefers to eat black grapes and drinks tomato juice and herbal tea.
7. Christie Brinkley
Long-time supermodel maintains her all-American good looks by being a vegetarian. She does not keep junk foods of any kind inside her home to make sure that she does not eat them when cravings occur. She snacks on sweet potatoes in place of candy bars, and she adopts a liquid juice diet when she needs to slim down fast.
Celebrities are just like ordinary people. They need to maintain their figures just like anyone else, and there is more pressure on their part since they are constantly in the public eye. Ordinary folks can have celebrity-like bodies, too, and by following these diet and fitness plans, they can also look like red-carpet worthy.

bahasa indonesia

Face it--whether you are in Indonesia for one week or for 10 years, it is not only polite and useful to know a little of the language, in many cases, it is outright necessary. If you don't want to be trapped at the Hotel Borobudur or restricted to traveling with a translator, you need to be able to communicate with that cheerful, friendly, curious populace out there. This booklet provides one approach to learning a very basic level of the Indonesian language, Bahasa Indonesia, with no strain.
I have yet to encounter a structured, functional approach to learning Bahasa Indonesia [Note from SEASite:  The text used in NIU's Indonesian classes, Bahasa Tetanggaku by Ian J. White (Longman: Melbourne, Australia), is "a notional-functional course" in Indonesian;  another well-known text is Beginning Indonesian through Self-Instruction by John U. Wolff (SEAP, Cornell University: Ithaca, NY)] . Phrase books confront the linguistic novice with a barrage of special purpose phrases ("Is the play a comedy or a tragedy?"). They are often badly organized into social situations (going to the market, at customs) where you are likely to have neither the time nor the inclination to be fumbling around with a silly little phrase book even if you did bring it with you, which is highly improbable. With these books, you can either memorize several hundred phrases that may or may not have an application. Or you can keep the book in your pocket and hope that your fingers are fast enough to find the phrase for "turn left here" before the taxi takes you completely out of town in a straight line.
Grammar books and dictionaries, although fine for a long-term study of the language, are even more of a hindrance in taxis and at the supermarket checkout. Language tapes also have their place in learning to communicate but this approach requires time and effort to achieve practical results.
What is required for the short-term visitor and even for the newly arrived longer-term expatriates is a list of common, useful and necessary words and phrases grouped into bite-sized quantities so the most important ones can be learned and used first.
The most useful phrase book I have found is Indonesian Words and Phrases by the American Women's Association. It provides some very important basic concepts and I recommend it highly but no one wants to memorize an entire book the first day in a new country. The following lists of words, organized by day, should help you to get through your first week while you are making plans for more extensive language training.
Optional words in the following vocabulary tables are provided in square brackets and correspond between columns (for example, [pagi | siang | sore | malam] = [morning | day | afternoon | evening]; pagi is morning, etc.). Fill-in-the-blank words (...) may be substituted from any handy phrase book.
The appendices include a guide to pronunciation, help with finding words in the dictionary and a short essential word lis

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